so with the new year looming, i figured i'd let everyone know what's going on here in smallsound/bigsound land!
i just got back from a nice family vacation - relaxing and enjoyable - exactly what i needed before life insanity gets started again...
*new circuit boards for everything! i'm changing my enclosure layouts to have all ss/bs pedals compatible with one basic layout - though there will be slight differences in the number of knobs, switches, etc. this necessitated a change in PCB layouts. i'll be populating and building each new PCB up this weekend to ensure that they're working well and have no mistakes.
**the tafm board is exactly the same as before, aside from some very slight differences that won't be noticed by anyone. the main difference in this version (as with the last version) is that i'm using different tapered pots for a better volume range - still super loud, but with more low volume sweep (unity closer to noon, depending on the input volume).
*new pedal(s)!**the fuck overdrive is done and will even (hopefully!) have an expression pedal in option. need to test that...
**year4545 is revised and bigger and badder.
**i just ordered boards for the PWM fuzz, so don't worry - that project isn't dead!
*lots of stuff in the works! (more-or-less in the order of completion)
**the mountain range overdrive - still tweaking a tiny bit, but shouldn't be very different than the one i made blurzy.
**another unnamed overdrive which will be very different than the fuck or mountain range.
**the utility looper/boost/blend thing.
**warped record vibrato.
**something secret!
*new website!**after 2 years of thinking about it and procrastinating, it's finally getting there... maybe another week if i really buckle down and get the time in. honestly, i feel really lucky to be where i am without having a website, so thanks to everyone who has supported smallsound/bigsound in any way.
*hopefully some new dealers!**just crossing my fingers that the new pedals and website brings a flood (ha!) of retailers my way.
*more small batches/custom stuff!**i'm going to try my hardest to get out a small batch of 3-10 pedals each month or two. they'll primarily be available directly through me, but it will be nice to offer those batches through fuzzhugger, etc. when the time is right. these things will probably either be really simple or really complex, dual pedals or even ideas people shoot my way. the first will be the PWM which should be ready soon.
*new graphics!**i'm going to see about getting some 2 color silkscreens done locally here in philadelphia.