Tuesday, January 25, 2011

sticker design idea

i'm still figuring this one out, but i think this is pretty nice.
i'm not too into "branding", etc. so i like the subtlety of the text.
my first try was even more subtle...

Monday, January 24, 2011

patience patience

2/3 of the silkscreen designs are done. they look so good. so so so good...
website is done except for new pedal pics/demos.
new manuals are done.
enclosures apparently arrived today.
circuit boards are populated and ready to put in enclosures.

last but not least...
enclosure screenprinting.
putting everything together.

lots of very patient customers and a few accommodating shops that are being just as patient as i am... thanks for that. seriously. i think this little (ha!) overhaul will all be worth it!

Monday, January 17, 2011

fuck overdrive + analog synths = lovely.

i'll let the video do the talking - korg polysix > homemade analog delay > fuck overdrive

additionally, check out william basinski's epic "the disintegration loops" if you're not familiar with it...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

fuck overdrive demo videos

two videos showing a pretty nice range from the fuck overdrive.

first video is guitar > ibanez ts9 > boss rv5 > fuck overdrive > amp.
*i'm pretty close to the camera, so you can hear a bit of the guitar in the room.

second video is guitar > ibanez ts9 > team awesome fuzzmachine > fuck overdrive > homemade analog delay > amp.
*i'm further away from the amp here so it's a little boring to watch. this is what i get for simply recording using the camera microphone instead of a more hi-fi setup... oh well

both are on the shoegaze-y/post-rock side, which is what i gravitate to on guitar. i'm hoping other people will make some more versatile/varying videos, though...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

more happiness and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel

2 things made my day today:

1. i got my enclosure proof #2 in today and although there were some extraordinarily minor changes that needed to be made (2 measurements needed to be changed by 1/64"), they are done and will probably be shipped out by early next week. which means i'll get them at the end of next week and give a few days for the silkscreening... blah soooooo close.

2. and this message (amazing), in regards to a fuzzmachine (by the way, not the same person as the last quote):

"i like it so much i sold my other fuzzes."

also, the fuck overdrive is officially my new favorite pedal. i've tested it out in 2 rehearsals and it's already replaced my boost and become my most used pedal... excite!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

no, but YES

i've been very up and down lately. since i'm waiting for these enclosures and such i'm not building any pedals and for the moment have zero income... every day i'm crunching numbers, etc. but it's a little stressful. it will be great when the enclosures DO finally arrive, but until then i can't help but think the worst and get a little more anxious with each passing day. i haven't really been sleeping very well, either, so the lack of rest is starting to wear on me as well...

thankfully, there has been at least ONE truly positive thing happening per day!
yesterday i got a really nice email from someone who had bought a team awesome used and found it too loud; also, someone had adjusted the internal trimpots "for guitar". bummer, because out of the few unusable/crummy settings on those internal pots, the previous owner had found one of them... i re-adjusted them so the pedal was balls to the wall and it's safe to say that homey was pretty psyched to get it back all fixed up. (i'm not the biggest fan of builders having a ton of quotes and such on their page, but i needed the cheering up so i just figured i'd repost it - my favorite part is the interjection about the color!)

"Finally got home from Tucson last nite. Just plugged in the TAFM. Holy Shit brother, this thing kills! not the prettiest to look at..haha gold is weird!!...but WOW what a killer! Need to figure out how the knobs work together exactly but Sweet Mother of Mercy!!!"


so today after finally falling asleep at 6am i got a paltry 4 hours of sleep. tired as shit, i decided to go into the shop anyways and it was a good thing i did... besides listening to m83 all day, i got the expression pedal input happening on the fuck overdrive. YES
that was pretty much the best thing that could have happened! (aside from getting those enclosures... *grumble grumble* )

also, here's a sneak peek at the team awesome layout. the jacks are on the long side, behind the row of 4 knobs.

getting ready!

preparing for the damn enclosures to get here... it's seriously driving me nuts since i still need to get them silkscreened and the delays are just taking too long - can't launch the new site until i get those screens!

so i'm preparing... lots of boards.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

just about ready to roll...

getting close!
5 year4545 + 5 fuck overdrives...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

NEW YEAR! more gear...

so with the new year looming, i figured i'd let everyone know what's going on here in smallsound/bigsound land!
i just got back from a nice family vacation - relaxing and enjoyable - exactly what i needed before life insanity gets started again...

*new circuit boards for everything! i'm changing my enclosure layouts to have all ss/bs pedals compatible with one basic layout - though there will be slight differences in the number of knobs, switches, etc. this necessitated a change in PCB layouts. i'll be populating and building each new PCB up this weekend to ensure that they're working well and have no mistakes.
**the tafm board is exactly the same as before, aside from some very slight differences that won't be noticed by anyone. the main difference in this version (as with the last version) is that i'm using different tapered pots for a better volume range - still super loud, but with more low volume sweep (unity closer to noon, depending on the input volume).

*new pedal(s)!
**the fuck overdrive is done and will even (hopefully!) have an expression pedal in option. need to test that...
**year4545 is revised and bigger and badder.
**i just ordered boards for the PWM fuzz, so don't worry - that project isn't dead!

*lots of stuff in the works! (more-or-less in the order of completion)
**the mountain range overdrive - still tweaking a tiny bit, but shouldn't be very different than the one i made blurzy.
**another unnamed overdrive which will be very different than the fuck or mountain range.
**the utility looper/boost/blend thing.
**warped record vibrato.
**something secret!

*new website!
**after 2 years of thinking about it and procrastinating, it's finally getting there... maybe another week if i really buckle down and get the time in. honestly, i feel really lucky to be where i am without having a website, so thanks to everyone who has supported smallsound/bigsound in any way.

*hopefully some new dealers!
**just crossing my fingers that the new pedals and website brings a flood (ha!) of retailers my way.

*more small batches/custom stuff!
**i'm going to try my hardest to get out a small batch of 3-10 pedals each month or two. they'll primarily be available directly through me, but it will be nice to offer those batches through fuzzhugger, etc. when the time is right. these things will probably either be really simple or really complex, dual pedals or even ideas people shoot my way. the first will be the PWM which should be ready soon.

*new graphics!
**i'm going to see about getting some 2 color silkscreens done locally here in philadelphia.