Sunday, January 16, 2011

fuck overdrive demo videos

two videos showing a pretty nice range from the fuck overdrive.

first video is guitar > ibanez ts9 > boss rv5 > fuck overdrive > amp.
*i'm pretty close to the camera, so you can hear a bit of the guitar in the room.

second video is guitar > ibanez ts9 > team awesome fuzzmachine > fuck overdrive > homemade analog delay > amp.
*i'm further away from the amp here so it's a little boring to watch. this is what i get for simply recording using the camera microphone instead of a more hi-fi setup... oh well

both are on the shoegaze-y/post-rock side, which is what i gravitate to on guitar. i'm hoping other people will make some more versatile/varying videos, though...

1 comment:

Hazelwould said...

Sounds really awesome!!